Quick start

There are multiple options how to run test collection. Follow the steps below to create a collection and run the tests.

Create a collection file with API tests to test.

YAML config

- url: https://dummyjson.com/products

JSON config

    "tests": [
        "url": "https://dummyjson.com/products"

Run docker image

docker run itbusina/testlemon:latest -c "$(<collection.json)"

Run the example collection url

docker run itbusina/testlemon:latest -c https://raw.githubusercontent.com/itbusina/testlemon-docs/refs/heads/main/examples/quick-start.yaml

Display help

docker run itbusina/testlemon:latest --help

Run collection from file. (option 1)

docker run itbusina/testlemon:latest -c "$(<collection.json)"

Run collection from file. (option 2)

If you would like to set the path to the file, make sure the path is visible in the docker image, in order to do that, mount a docker volume.

docker run -v ./:/app/data itbusina/testlemon:latest -c data/collection.json

Specify the license

docker run itbusina/testlemon:latest -c "$(<collection.json)" -l $license

Run collection inline.

$collection = @'
name: Dummy JSON collection
baseUrl: https://dummyjson.com
  - url: /users/1

docker run itbusina/testlemon:latest -c $collection

Run collections from multiple files

docker run -v ./:/app/data itbusina/testlemon:latest -c data/collection1.json data/collection2.json

Run collections from directory

docker run -v ./:/app/data itbusina/testlemon:latest -c data/

Run collection from URL.

docker run itbusina/testlemon:latest -c https://raw.githubusercontent.com/itbusina/testlemon-docs/refs/heads/main/examples/quick-start.yaml

Run collection from URL with authorization and required http headers.

docker run itbusina/testlemon:latest -c https://api.github.com/repos/user/repo/contents/data/collection.json -h "Authorization: Bearer ghp_dsaxxxxxxyyyyyyyzzzzz" "User-Agent:testlemon" "Accept:application/vnd.github.raw+json"

Run collection in parallel

docker run itbusina/testlemon:latest -c "$(<collection.json)" -p

Run collection with multiple tags filter

docker run itbusina/testlemon:latest -c "$(<collection.json)" -t smoke regression

Save report to file

docker run itbusina/testlemon:latest -c "$(<collection.json)" -o output.json

Save report to file in JSON format

docker run itbusina/testlemon:latest -c "$(<collection.json)" -o output.json -f json

Save report to file in Xray format

docker run itbusina/testlemon:latest -c "$(<collection.json)" -o output.json -f xray

Pass variables in collection

docker run itbusina/testlemon:latest -c "$(<collection.json)" -v host=https://dummyjson.com

Pass secrets in collection

docker run itbusina/testlemon:latest -c "$(<collection.json)" -s login=admin,password=Welcome1!

Run collection 'N' times

docker run itbusina/testlemon:latest -c "$(<collection.json)" -r 5

Run collection 'N' times with 1s delay

docker run itbusina/testlemon:latest -c "$(<collection.json)" -r 5 -d 1000

Run collection in loop with 'X' interval without exit

docker run itbusina/testlemon:latest -c "$(<collection.json)" -i 5000

Display details about tests and responses

docker run itbusina/testlemon:latest -c "$(<collection.json)" --verbose

Save details about tests and responses to the file

docker run itbusina/testlemon:latest -c "$(<collection.json)" --verbose > output.json

Display and save details about tests and responses to the file

docker run itbusina/testlemon:latest -c "$(<collection.json)" --verbose | tee output.json