How to integrate Slack notifications in Testlemon

Testlemon’s Slack integration enables teams to receive instant notifications about issues and test failures, ensuring timely awareness and quicker resolution.

How to setup

  1. Go to your slack apps:
  2. Open Incoming Webhooks section
    Incoming webhooks configuration in slack

  3. Click on "Add New Webhook to Workspace" button in the bottom

  4. Select the channel for incoming messages
    Select slack channel for incoming webhook messages

  5. Click "Allow" button.

  6. Find the created webhook URL and copy it
    Slack webhook URL

  7. Go to Testlemon SaaS portal to project settings

  8. Pass the copied webhook URL to the advance configuration section.
    Slack webhook URL in Testlemon project configuration

When everything is done properly, you will recieve the notifications about failures in that Slack channel.